Pirates, Plot Twists, and WWE “The Shocking Journey of the Elimination Chamber!”

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The Shocking Journey of the Elimination Chamber

During a press event for Elimination Chamber outside Optus Stadium in Perth, Australia, WWE announcers Michael Cole and Corey Graves discussed the challenges faced in transporting the massive chamber structure to the land down under.

The Shocking Journey of the Elimination Chamber

Read the official conversation :

Cole: “This structure took over a month to get here. Originally, it was supposed to ship through the Suez Canal, but pirates prevented that. So it was rerouted to Miami, then shipped by truck to Los Angeles, put on a ship to Sydney, sent by train to Perth. Now, the Elimination Chamber is being constructed behind us in the stadium.”

Graves: “Pirates, Cole?”

Cole: “Yes, pirates in the Suez Canal.”

Graves: “We had to deal with actual piracy to get here to Perth.”

Perhaps WWE should consider transporting the chamber to Australia through Pittsburgh next time if they want to avoid such challenges with pirates.

What are your thoughts on Cole’s pirate tale, Cagesiders?”

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